Jani Kovačič
Kralj: Saj ga nič ni in zato mu nič ni. | King: There is no meat on his bones, that is why there is nothing wrong with him. |
Baronessa: In še dela se, kot da ni nič! | Baroness: And he even dares to pretend that nothing is wrong. |
Paž: Nič dobrega se nam ne obeta. Morda prepir za prazen nič? | Page: Nothing good will become of this. Maybe a quarrel about nothing? |
Spletična :A kaj ko iz nič nič ni! | Chambermaid: But how when nothing comes from nothing! |
Vojvoda: Vsi začno iz niča. | Duke: They all start from nothing. |
Kralj: Za nič na svetu se ne bomo kregali, prosim vas! | King: There is nothing in this world that would make us argue. |
Princ: Nič ne izgubi, kdor nič ne daje. | Prince: Who gives nothing, can lose nothing. |
Kralj: Nič je vsaj za oči dobro, pravim, kaj ni? | King: Nothing is at least good for the eyes, is it not? |
Spletična: Po svetu se gre za nič. In svetu gre za nič. | Chambermaid: The world is all about nothing. And the world cares about nothing. |
Princ: Nič. Kar grem ... | Prince: There goes nothing. I am off ... |
Kraljica /Princu/: Nikamor ne greš! Saj nič ni tako nujno! | Queen /to the Prince/: You are not going anywhere! Nothing could be that important! |
Paž: Nič zato, če ostaneš, nič kolikokrat si že odšel. | Page: Nothing wrong if you stay, you have left so many times. |
Baronessa: Prav nič se ne ve: morda bo tu kaj, morda nič. | Baroness: Nothing is certain: maybe something will happen, maybe nothing will. |
Kralj: Še vojska ne vzame, kjer nič ni. | King: Even the army can not take anything, if there is nothing there. |
Kraljica :Pa vendar nič tako nujno ni, da moglo ne bi počakati! | Queen: And yet nothing is so important that it could not wait. |
Princ: Me nič ne briga! | Prince: I care for nothing! |
Vojvoda: Nič ne de, nič posebnega ni tole, čeprav se še prav nič ne ve. | Duke: Nothing matters, this is nothing special, even though nothing can be certain. |
Kralj: Se ničemur več ne čudim, akoprav to ni nič vredno. | King: I am not surprised at anything any more, even though nothing is valid no more. |
Vojvoda: Čeravno si čisto nič nisva v sorodu, ni nič večje in nič manjše zato vse skupaj. | Duke: Even though we are not related it is no less or more relevant. |
Spletična: Nič? Za prazen nič se kregata? | Chambermaid: Nothing? You are arguing over nothing? |
Kraljica: Za prazen nič se tudi prav vse proda. | Queen: Everything can be sold for nothing. |
Paž: Saj – denarja ima nič koliko! | Page: Exactly – he has money he could spend like nothing. |
Spletična: Kar nič si ne želi tega. | Chambermaid: Never wish for that. |
Paž: Saj ti nič nočem. | Page: I want nothing from you. |
Spletična: Pa nič. | Chambermaid: Ok, nothing it is. |
Baronessa: Kdor nič nima, mu nič ne manjka! | Duchess: He who has nothing, lacks nothing. |
Princ: Nič ne bom rekel – zame je to nič – še manj kot nič! | Prince: I will say nothing – for me, this is nothing, less then nothing. |
Kralj: Nič ne skrbi. | King: Nothing to worry about. |
Kraljica: Nič ne maraj, sinko – če iz tega ne bo nič, pa nič. | Queen: Nothing to worry about my son, nothing will come from this, nothing. |
Paž(kraljični): Nič zato, če je reven. | Page /to the Queen/: Nothing wrong with being poor. |
Vojvoda: Ako je samo to, nič lažjega kot to, pravim. | Duke: If this is all there is to it, nothing easier then this, I say. |
Baronessa: Če iz tega ne bo nič – pa nič nočem! | Duchess: If nothing will come from this, then I want nothing. |
Princ: Saj mi nič ni! | Prince: Nothing is wrong with me! |
Kraljica: Seveda ti ni nič. | Queen: Of course nothing is wrong with you. |
Kralj: Vedno pravim: Nič lažjega kot to. | King: I always say that there is nothing easier then that. |
Spletična: Kdor nič ne daje, zlahka vse nasiti. | Chambermaid: He who gives nothing, easily feeds them all. |
Princ: Nič ni lepše od ta prave! | Prince: Nothing is better than the right one! |
Paž: Dovolj, nič več razgovora, gremo! Nič več ne bomo jutri, če danes nič ne naredimo. | Page: Enough, the discussions has come to nothing, let's go! We will be nothing tomorrow, if we do nothing today. |
Baronessa: In kaj počne zdaj tule tale – nič? | Duchess: And what is he doing here now – this nothing? |
Vsi: Nič! | Everybody: Nothing! |
Princ: Kako nič? | Prince: What do you mean nothing? |
Vojvoda: To je dolga štorija, nič kaj rad je ne bi ponavljal. In ... | Duke: This is a long story, I would rather not repeat it. Nothing ... |
Spletična: Kaj? | Chambermaid: What? |
Vojvoda: Nič kaj! | Duke: Nothing! That is what! |
Spletična: No, kaj nič? | Chambermaid: Well? You said, nothing ...? |
Vojvoda: Nič ... | Duke: Nothing ... |
Paž: Nič niste povedali! | Page: You said nothing. |
Princ: Res, prav nič! | Prince: It is true. You said nothing. |
Kralj: Nič kaj prida ni tole. | King: This means nothing. |
Baronessa: Če nič nimaš za povedat, je vse v redu. Kaj ni? | Duchess: If you have nothing to say, everything is OK. Isn't it? |
Spletična: Oooo! Nič. | Chambermaid: Oooo. Nothing. |
Paž: Kaj? A zdaj pa tebi nič meni nič kar tako? | Page: What? Nothing to care about? Just like that? |
Princ: Krasti ni nič lepo. | Prince: Stealing is nothing good. |
Kraljica: Ampak to ni nič posebnega, ampak je vse kar nimamo! | Queen: It is nothing special, though is all we haven't got! |
Kralj: Nič ni res, nič ne verjemite! | King: Nothing is true, believe nothing! |
Princ: Res? Nič ... no ... | Prince: Really? Nothing ... well ... |
Vsi: Oooo! Nič? Pssst! | Everybody: Oooo! Nothing? Shhhh! |
Princ: Me nič ne briga! | Prince: I care for nothing! |
Je revščina dedna?
Je revščina strast?
Ne, revščina je le v dizajnu kontrast.
Se sonce nam smeje,
nas sonce ogreje,
prevzetnost človeška bila je najpreje.
Še tale naš bog,
ki žije povsod,
izmislek je naših velikih zablod.
Kaj jutri trobenta,
če danes nas fenta?
Mar nam ni slastna jutrišnja renta!
Človek je angel,
človek je zver,
človek živi samo od zamer.
Is poverty hereditary?
Is poverty passion?
No, poverty is just a contrast in fashion.
The sun smiles at us,
The sun warms us,
Human arrogance was known first.
Even this God of ours,
Present everywhere,
Is merely our fictitious fallacy.
Who will spread the rumour,
If today we wake up dead?
Who cares about tomorrow's hefty rent!
Man is an angel,
Man is a beast,
Man just lives on spite.
Ranjen lev se ne časti,
čemu bi se?
Šibek volk se ne plodi,
saj mu ne gre.
Mar še lisica stara
kaj ulovi?
Mar slepa zajčja para
še ubeži?
Le najboljši preživi!
Le najboljši preživi!
Zver brez zob nič strašna ni –
je le v posmeh,
orel se lahko ulovi,
ko je na tleh.
Slon betežen je na tem,
da kar umre.
In največjega potem
najmanjši žre
Le najboljši preživi!
Le najboljši preživi!
Pamž, ne delaj tule štale,
da ne skreneš mi s poti,
zdaj poslušaj nauk tale:
le najboljši preživi.
A wounded lion is no longer king
why should he be?
A weak wolf has no offspring
how could he?
An old fox has no chance
hungry is he.
A blind rabbit can not run
food he will become
Only the fittest survive!
Only the fittest survive!
A beast with no fangs inspires no fear
what can it do?
An eagle can easily be caught
when on the ground
A feeble elephant merely awaits
for his final fall
and the largest is in the end
eaten by the small
Only the fittest survive!
Only the fittest survive!
Kiddo, don't mess about
don't sway from your ways
listen, without any doubt:
Only the fittest survive!
Učite nas, da prav nihče
nam sreče kratiti ne sme,
učite nas enaki smo,
kjerkoli zgoraj spodaj smo.
Učite nas, da vsak ima
življenje za točaja;
učite nas garati,
ubogati in mreti;
učite nas uklanjati,
molčati in kdaj sesti,
obnašati in vesti.
Učite nas, da človeško dostojanstvo
je nad vse!
Hvala za pouk, za nauke,
za šolo in nasvete.
Vsegá se naučimo,
če s tem res preživimo.
You teach us that nobody
should take away our joy
You teach we are all equal
regardless whether up or down
You teach that life
is everybody's barman
You teach us to sweat
obey and bite the dust
You teach us to submit
shut up and sit down
behave and relax.
You teach us that human dignity
is above all!
Thanks for your lesson
education and advice
We will learn absolutely anything
If it will really help us to survive.
Lačenbergar naš junak
'ma težav kar za cel vlak;
brez stanovanja je in službe,
ganejo nas ne njega tožbe.
Takih kot je ta
je za miljarde tri,
je za milijarde tri!
Takih je največ,
ki bédneje živi,
ki bédneje živi.
Kot otrok zbolela je,
če leke bi imela le,
zlahka ozdravela bi takrat,
takrat se dalo je pomagat'.
Takih kot je ta
je za miljarde tri,
je za milijarde tri!
Takih je največ,
ki bédneje živi,
ki bédneje živi
Mati ga pustila je
pred vrati sirotišnice,
ki davno so zaprli jo,
da bi sirot več ne bilo.
Takih kot je ta
je za miljarde tri,
je za milijarde tri!
Takih je največ,
ki bédneje živi,
ki bédneje živi.
Težave ve, ljube, ste smisel življenja,
vodnice ste, jarka luč vseh naših dejanj!
Le kaj bi mi počeli,
kaj bi počeli,
če vas ne bi imeli?
Hungry Knight, our hero,
Has troubles unheard
Without a roof and job
We are not moved by his troubles.
In this world there are
3 billion like him
3 billion like him!
The world is covered with such
who live in poverty
who live in poverty.
As a child she was taken ill
If only she had had medication
She would easily get well
Then it could be fixed.
In this world there are
3 billion like her
3 billion like her!
The world is covered with such
who live in poverty
who live in poverty.
His mother left him
On the doorstep of an orphanage
Which had been closed years ago
So there would be no more orphans
In this world there are
3 billion like him
3 billion like him!
The world is covered with such
who live in poverty
who live in poverty.
Problems, darlings, the meaning of life,
You guide us, the poor light of all our acts.
What would we do,
What would we do
If we didn't have you?
Le to ohrani te na svetu,
junaki hitro vsi pomrejo,
stiskajo zobe – ne vejo,
da stok pomaga še profetu!
Jamranje nas vkup drži.
Jamrači, ti edini prežive ,
jamrači, ti žive najdljé!
Župa je neslana,
postelja pretrda,
deka je prekratka,
punca pa premrzla.
Podnevi presvetlo,
ponoči pretemno,
poleti presoparno,
pozimi prehladno.
Jamranje nas vkup drži!
Če se le da, vedno jamraj.
Kaj? Svet brez tebe? Nikakor, joj!
Cvilež, stok in jok. Nič se ne boj.
Dolgo boš živel, saj jamr je slaj!
Jamranje nas vkup drži!
Pamž, zapomni si kar rečem:
naj prevzetni se reži,
veš, nihče od nas ni večen,
jamranje nas vkup drži!
Only this makes you stay
for heroes soon pass away
They grit their teeth – they don't know
that whining even helps a prophet
Whining holds us together!
Whiners are the only survivors
only whiners truly thrive
The soup has no salt
the bed is too hard
The blanket too short
and the girlfriend too cold
The day to bright
the night to dark
summer to hot
and winter to cold
Whining holds us together!
If possible, whine every day
What? World without you? No way!
Squealing, Whining and groaning. Don't dismay.
You will live long, whining is the way.
Whining holds us together!
Kiddo, remember what I have to say:
let the haughty grin
you know, no one is eternal
Whining holds us together!
Hrana! Hrana!
O hozana!
Hrana! Hrana!
Živa rana!
Žemlja? Kruhek? Kifeljc? Presta?
Revnemu je glad nevesta.
Hrana! Hrana!
Jed izbrana?
Hrana! Hrana!
Je ukana?
Košček? Drobec al' drobtina?
Lačnemu gre crkotina!
Vsakdanji kruh!
Kje je?
Kaj bomo pa danes jedli?
Kaj bomo pa danes jedli?
Kaj bomo pa danes jedli?
Food! Food!
A true godsend!
Food! Food!
A wound that is alive
Pretzels? Buns? Rolls?
Hunger is the poor man's bride
Food! Food!
Chosen food!
Food! Food!
Is it a trick?
A morsel? A scrap or a crumb?
The hungry gets what sticks to his thumb!
Everyday bread?
What will we have today?
What will we have today?
What will we have today?
Na ulici, kjer sta parfum in kri,
kjer narod ploska in kriči,
v avtu najstnik zafiksan spi,
v lokalu se TV-svet godi.
Kjer znoj je smrad prastarih dni,
čar časa, ki v knjigah ždi,
šestletnik za oglom čik kadi,
zraven dama lišpa si oči.
Spi, dete sladko, spi,
le zate se tu svet vrti,
nič ne maraj,
nič ne baraj,
nič ne hiti.
Ničesar ti ne zamudiš,
saj ko se prebudiš –
svet bo manjši,
svet bo tanjši,
svet bo grši,
svet bo slabši,
svet bo gorši!
Od čudežev Sveta Gospa živi,
tako kot na zemlji revni vsi,
prav vsi drve po bližnjici
in sproti odganjajo skrbi.
Nekoč modreci z bradami,
zdaj kramarji s kravatami
se krohotajo na ulici,
Bulvar bankrot oklicani.
Spi, dete sladko, spi,
le zate se tu svet vrti,
nič ne maraj,
nič ne baraj,
nič ne hiti.
Ničesar ti ne zamudiš,
saj ko se prebudiš –
svet bo manjši,
svet bo tanjši,
svet bo grši,
svet bo slabši,
svet bo gorši!
On the streets in the mid of perfume and blood
Where people clap and shout
A drugged teenager asleep in the car
In a bar the TV world is taking place
Sweat is the smell of the olden days
A charm of the times found in books
A six year old smoking behind the corner
Next to him a lady putting on her face.
Sleep, sweet baby, sleep
Only for you this world turns
Don't care for nothing
Don's ask for nothing
Don't rush for nothing
You won't miss a thing
For when you awake
The world will be smaller
The world will be thinner
The world will be uglier
The world will be worse
The world will be a curse.
The Holy Lady lives on miracles
As do the poor in this earth
All in search of a short cut
Getting rid of their worries.
Once wise men with beards
Today seles reps with ties
Are laughing in the street
Called Bankruptcy Boulevard
Sleep, sweet baby, sleep
Only for you this world turns
Don't care for nothing
Don's ask for nothing
Don't rush for nothing
You won't miss a thing
For when you awake
The world will be smaller
The world will be thinner
The world will be uglier
The world will be worse
The world will be a curse.
Kar pri Sokratu začniva:
so na smrt ga obsodili,
da bi v miru dalje pili.
Nam ostaja neberljiva
zgodovina ta snetljiva;
vsak neznansko rad pokima,
ak korist od tega íma.
Komu se sploh zde zabavna
naših dedov dela slavna?
Nas resnica ne zanima.
Kaj z umetnostjo, ki maže
nam oči in po vseh virih
pretirava v vseh ozirih?
Kakor da resnico kaže
skozi barvaste pejsaže?
Šok, prepir – to danes nese,
kri ljudi privlači, ve se.
Vse ostalo je brez smisla,
v dobrem pa le radost kisla,
če denarja ne prinese.
Lani še govoril strastno,
blagor narodu obetal,
blagostanju gnezdo spletal,
glasno vse obljubljal hlastno,
dal celo besedo častno.
Letos si že baše v vreče,
mu še mar ni kaj kdo reče,
klečeplazi po tujini,
vsakemu od zad se slini –
rad v oči nam pesek meče.
Véndar grabit on ne neha!
Ve, da vsi so podkupljivi
in občutki vsi varljivi,
za dobroto ne boleha,
se obljubljat' ne upeha,
zanj premalo je celina,
tekne vsa mu mrhovina,
da izogne se prepira,
istega enak izbira:
komur je odlog vrlina.
Komur je odlog vrlina,
rad v oči nam pesek meče,
če denarja ne prinese,
nas resnica ne zanima.
Let's start with Socrates
He was sentenced to death
So they could drink in peace.
We can not comprehend
This strange history
Everyone likes to nod his head
But there is nothing to be had
Who finds the fame
Of our forefathers intriguing?
We do not care about the truth.
What shall we do with art
That darkens our sight
And exaggerates in all senses?
As if it shows the truth
Through colourful landscapes
Shock, argument – rule today
Blood appeals to people
Everything else has no sense
Is the good only sour joy
If it brings us no money.
Last year spoke with passion
Promised welfare to the nation
Weaving a state of welfare
Promising a promising state
Even gave his word for it
This year he is filling his bags
Has no care what people say
Grovels abroad
Kisses backsides
Throwing dust in one's eyes.
But he will never stop grabbing!
He knows that everyone can be bribed
And the feelings are all distraught
He does not suffer for goodness
Never gets tired of broken promises
The continent is not big enough for him
He would take all of the scum
In order to avoid an argument
Chooses similar to him:
Whoever likes to postpone.
Whoever likes to postpone
Throwing dust in one's eyes
If it brings us no money
We do not care about the truth.
O, kaj kultov in obredov
od obetov in obljub – žive.
Kaj je vračev, svečenikov,
ki se na zemlji s tem – maste.
Vse padarje in astrologe
naj spomnim na sledeči rek,
ki sodi v njihove zaloge:
bo sploh še kdaj,
še kdaj,
še kdaj kje
padel sneg?
Pratikarji, zvedogledi,
in predsedniki ter generali,
psihiatri, psihologi
zraven popularni ideali –
vsi ti od jutri zdaj živijo –
obet, obljuba, up je lek
za vse, ki v prazno si želijo:
bo sploh še kdaj,
še kdaj,
še kdaj kje
padel sneg?
Firbec, kaj tuli ti sirena?
Kar čutiš, to je tu nateg,
ne nori, spomni se refrena:
bo sploh še kdaj,
še kdaj,
še kdaj kje –
padel sneg?
Padel sneg?
Loads of cults and rituals
Live on promises
Loads of witch doctors, priests
Are on this world who live of this.
Let me remind all the quack
and astrologists of the following saying,
which they should have in stock:
Will it ever again
ever again
Statisticians, astronomers,
Presidents and generals,
Psychiatrists, psychologists
Along with popular ideals
They all live on tomorrow –
A promise, hope is the cure
For all that wish in vain:
Will it ever again
ever again
Curious cat, what cries the siren?
What you can feel is a deceit
Don't be nervous, remember the refrain:
Will it ever again,
ever again,
anywhere –
Will it ever again – snow?
Nikomur ničesar ne privošči nikdar!
Ničesar ne izpusti, kdor stiska pesti.
Zaenkrat na zemlji je taka ta stvar:
ob dežju je blatno, za zmrzali drsi.
Zapomni si: ne vile, grablje vsak rabi;
po vejah brez plodov nihče ne grabi.
V misel zdajle tole strni:
človek je sam sebi prvi.
Verjame vsak, da pameti največ ima,
zato je svet dolžan, da se po njem ravna
in pripada mu najboljše zavolj tega,
in zraven še pravično je – kot sploh se da.
Dokler kost gloda pes, družbe ne trpi,
žival vsaka zase najprej poskrbi.
Zato je tole nam v krvi:
človek je sam sebi prvi.
Vsevišnja bogovstva povsod v vesolju
težavam, obupu se izognejo zlahka.
Sebičnost jih zmaga v vsakem okolju,
saj v njenih rokah vsa božanstva so prhka.
Na Joba se spomni in Jezusa sina,
sebičnost najljubša je bogu vrlina!
Z zlatim ščitom se zagrni:
človek je sam sebi prvi!
Pamž, na svetu vsak rad se afna,
dokler ga ne požrejo črvi,
pomni nauk, ki ga vse pozna:
človek je sam sebi ...
Whoever clenches his fists never lets
anyone get anything, never lets anything go
Things on earth are like this:
When it rains there is mud, when frozen slippery.
Remember, not hay forks, hay rakes everybody needs
Nobody is interested in trees without fruit
Always remember this thought
Man is always to himself first.
Everybody believes that he is the smartest
thus the world is obliged to listen to him
and he is entitled to the cr?me de la cr?me
all of this is just – nobody can deny.
While chewing on the bone dog doesn't carre for company
Every animal takes care of itself first.
That is why it is in our veins:
Man is always to himself first.
All mighty religions all around the universe
Find it easy to escape the troubles and despair.
In any environment selfishness overcomes them
For in their hands all gods are fragile.
Remember Job and Jesus the son of god
Selfishness is the dearest virtue of god.
Place your golden shield around you:
Man is always to himself first.
Kiddo, in this world everybody likes to have fun
Until he is eaten by the worms
Remember the lesson that everybody knows:
Man is always to himself ...
Čemú sprememba? Čému rez natančen?
Ubiti ali ne ubiti? To je vprašanje.
Da se ubijem sem, kar sem.
Da sem, kar sem ubijem.
A ko to storim, posla več ni in rabelj nepotreben.
Že vem!
Ubijati, ne ubiti.
Why changes? Why the cut precise?
To kill or not to kill? This is the question.
Even if I kill myself I am what I am.
If I am, I kill what I am.
But when I do this, there is no more work, the hangman redundant.
I know!
Killing, not a kill.
O, vi naši vrli rablji,
kaj boste pa v lonec dali?
Kaj zdaj mahate mi z uhlji?
Sami boste tu ostali.
Če nas pobijete na mah,
posla, dela več ne bo,
vaš korak postal bo plah,
blagostanje pa zašlo.
Zaposlitev, vaši posli?
To smo mi – neumni osli.
Kdo delal bo za vaše vampe?
Kdo skrbel za vaš komfort?
Kdo za vas vihtel bo krampe?
Kdo garal za vaš import?
Brez nas bogastvo nima cene,
brez cene vse gre vragu v rit.
Čemu zavist? Čemu migrene?
Mi vam – edina blagobit!
Naj vam kar razjásnim misli:
za vas smo zdaj – trpežni osli.
Zakaj naj bi se bali rablja?
Žal, ubiti nas ne smete,
živi smo vam glasna troblja,
saj brez nas takoj umrete.
Nas naganjate v obor,
da živimo vkup z pošastmi,
zgrizli ste se v psiho-zbor,
na vas ostal: spomin božjastni.
Ko postreljeni so vsi kozli,
spametujejo se osli.
Oh, you righteous executioners
What will you cook today?
What are you waving your ears about?
You will remain here alone.
If you kill us all at once
There will be no more work for you
Your step will become insecure
Prosperity will cease to be
Employment, your deals?
This is us – na?ve suckers
Who will work to fatten your bellies?
Who will take care of your comfort?
Who will pave the roads for you?
Who will work hard for your import?
Without us it is not worth being rich
Without a price everything goes to hell
Why envy? Why headaches?
We are your only valuable
Let me shed a light on this
We are your hardworking suckers.
Why would we fear the executioner?
Unfortunately you can not kill us
Alive we are of greater worth
For without us you cease to exist
You keep barricading us
So we live with monsters
You have created a psycho ensemble
And all that remains is a spooky memory
When all the guilty ones will be shot
Than the suckers realise.
Justicija tehta in reže nam pravo,
zavezane njene so bistre oči,
baje tak lažje ubrani postavo
pa tudi ne vidi kaj vago teži.
Se Midasa spomni, Frigije kralja,
veš, uhlji njegá so kosmati bili,
in kadar presojal je komu kanalja
rekoč: "Slišim slabo!" A na koncu veli:
"Z denarjem pravica se zlahka dobi!"
Kar enemu krivo, drugemu pravo,
na sodišču je vedno zmaga doma,
le dohtar jezični užije vso slavo
ako s pravico kot s kurbo ravna.
Pravdači, sodniki prelagajo sodbe,
zastonj do pravice nikjer ni poti.
Nobene pomagajo ne poizvedbe,
le cvenk, šelest v dlan, ki hlastavo srbi:
z denarjem pravica se zlahka dobi!
Pamž, mera pravice je silni denar,
in meč njen po meri se cvenka vrti,
naj bo kjerkoli – oltar ali bar:
Z denarjem pravica se zlahka dobi!
Justice weighs and considers law
Tied are her clear eyes
Supposedly it is easier for her to defend the law
And she can not see what is on the scales.
Do you remember Midas, the king of Frigia?
You know, the one with the hairy ears?
And when he judges he used to say:
'I hear poorly!', but on the end he said:
'With money justice is easily bought!'
What is right for one, is wrong for the other
The court is always full of victories
The language freak takes the glory
Is he treats Justice as a whore
Advocates, judges, postpone the proceedings
It is impossible to reach Justice without money
It is no use to make inquiries
Only dosh, the rattle of coins in the palm
With money justice is easily bought!
Kiddo, the measure of Justice is the mighty cash
And her sword moves around the money
Regardless of where – an al altar or a bar
With money justice is easily bought!
Kar zbiramo pomoč, denar,
ki da ga žep lokalni car.
To skrb za lačne je ljudi,
da se jim ja hudo godi
in mehkužni b'li ne bi.
Hej! Hej! Naš je kralj –
Sentimental Brutal!
Za vsako ti žival je žal,
celo otrokom bi kaj dal.
Jadi ljubavni na TeVe
direkt ti parajo srce.
A sosed? Naj že k vragu gre!
Hej! Hej! Naš je kralj –
Sentimental Brutal!
Ko ves betežen boš in star,
prišel bo k tebi vaški far,
za grunt ali pa za zlato,
ti vrata raja koj odpro –
angelci te sprejmejo.
Hej! Hej! Naš je kralj –
Sentimental Brutal!
Pamž, preveč nas je za tale svet,
zapomni si morale cvet,
modrost, ki sije kot opal,
kajti ne da se pasti s tal:
naš je kralj – Sentimental Brutal.
Hej! Hej!
Why collect aid and money
Pocketed by the local lord
This is care for hungry people
For they should experience hardship
So they don't turn all soft on us.
Hey! Hey! Our King –
Sentimental Brutal
You feel sorry for every animal
You would even give something to the kids
Soap operas on the TV
Rip your heart in two.
But your neighbour? He can go to hell!
Hey! Hey! Our King –
Sentimental Brutal
When you are old and feeble
The parish priest will visit you
For your land or gold
The door to heaven opens straight away
And the angels welcome you.
Hey! Hey! Our King –
Sentimental Brutal
Kiddo, there are too many of us for this world
Remember the moral of this story
Wisdom that shines like a diamond
For you can not fall off the ground
Our king – Sentimental Brutal
Hey! Hey!
Zorro Zorčič naš pisavec
vedno zraven kaj dostavi :
Zorčiča ne boste jebal!
je dopisal v švoh pisavi.
Zorro Zorčič maščevalec,
Zorro ima prav,
Zorro Zorčič naš branilec,
Zorro ni cendrav!
Zorro Zorčič naš buditelj,
Zorro ima program,
Zorro Zorčič naš voditelj,
reši nas reklam!
Na plakat bo brž zapisal
kot britev oster komentar:
Če so vsi – Zorčič tumpec ni!
tako direktno on udar'.
Firme so se pritožile,
plakatni biznis je gubil,
ujedlivim bridkim geslom
Zorčič je čekane zbil.
Zorro Zorčič maščevalec,
Zorro ima prav,
Zorro Zorčič naš branilec,
Zorro ni cendrav!
Zorro Zorčič naš buditelj,
Zorro ima program,
Zorro Zorčič naš voditelj,
reši nas reklam!
Ker pol'cija nič ni mogla,
so se plakterji zbral,
da bi ujeli Robin Huda,
tegá, ki biznis je zasral.
Res nekoč so ga dobili,
prerešetali mu kosti,
policiji ga prijav'li,
prebutali ga do krvi!
Zdaj nemočni smo na cesti,
saj nihče nas več ne brani,
ker Zorro je v norišnici,
prepuščeni smo reklami.
Zorro Zorčič is our writer
Always adds a little bit
You don't mess with Zorro
He added in small print
Zorro Zorčič – revenger
Zorro is always right
Zorro Zorčič our defender
Zorro works out of spite
Zorro Zorčič our awakener
Zorro has a new deal
Zorro Zorčič our leader
Save us from adverts!
On a poster he will quickly write
A commentary as sharp as a knife
Even if everybody else is a fool
Zorčič sure ain't one says the line
Companies have complained
The poster business made a loss
The sour and pitiful slogans
Destroyed were by the boss.
Zorro Zorčič – revenger
Zorro is always right
Zorro Zorčič our defender
Zorro works out of spite
Zorro Zorčič our awakener
Zorro has a new deal
Zorro Zorčič our leader
Save us from adverts!
The police could not do a thing
So the poster people stepped together
To catch the modern day Robin Hood
Who was robbing them of their livelihood.
They managed to catch him once
Broke all the bones in his body
And reported him to the police
Left him in the ditch all bloody.
Now we are powerless on the streets
For no one defends us no more
Zorro is kept in an asylum
And we are left to face the adds.
Na kavču zavaljen,
rojen super talent,
urejejuje svet tedne in dni.
Za svetovni vsak rekord,
zazeha svoj – aport!
in TV ga koj priskrbi!
Čuteče je nravi,
za lačne poskrbi,
ko preklaplja svoj ekran.
Na reklame se spozna,
za zmagovalce navíja,
akoravno dremav in zaspan.
Kavčekspert – To je ekstra klasa,
specialisti prav za vse.
Kavčekspert – To je nova rasa,
to klonirani so nadljudje.
Kavčekspert – Kaj vse ne preživi
dneve vse leže in noči?
Kavčekspert – Kako to vse zdrži?
Z nadnaravnimi močmi!
Ko še prav ničesar ni,
še preden se zgodi –
on predtem že vse to ve.
Morilce, miss sveta,
top-liste – vse pozna,
ugank, skrivnosti za njega ni!
Utvara je efekt.
prevara je defekt,
nad vsem je, kar se godi.
Z ničemer ni navskriž,
saj tak je paradiž –
kjer na kavču bog leži!
Kavčekspert – To je ekstra klasa,
specialisti prav za vse .....
Laying on the couch
A born super talent
Rules the world weeks and days
For every world record
He yawns his 'Come'
And the TV makes it happen.
He is compassionate by nature
Takes care of the hungry
While surfing the TV channels.
He knows all about adds
Cheers for the winners
Even though he is dreary and sleepy.
Couch Expert – he's got extra class
Expert for it all
Couch Expert – is a new race
They are cloned super humans
Couch Expert – survives it all
Lying down days and nights
Couch Expert – how does he do it?
With supernatural powers!
When nothing is yet there
Even before it happens
He knows it all
Murderers, beauty queens
Top songs – knows them all
Mysteries and riddles are unknown to him.
An illusion is an effect
Deceit a defect
He is above everything
Everything is so fine
For it is heaven
Where god lies on the couch
Couch Expert – he's got extra class
Expert for it all ...
Couch expert
Bilo je davno, davno,
ko vse je b'lo državno
in bil takrat je 1. maj!
Takrat je našel njo on,
lep kot fabriški pogon,
odpéljal jo je naskrivaj
tam – na trato tja pod zvezde,
tam – kjer sta orala brazde!
Mesec je samo vzdih'val:
da take sreče sladke,
na svetu so preredke,
tak mesec je pametoval.
Rodila se je mala,
več skup nista zdržala.
Hčerka? Jasno – njej ostala.
V redu vse je, kot se zdi,
nikjer ni bolje – brez skrbi,
življenje je bolj slaba šala.
Mine vse, še 1. maj,
sonce utone, mladost, mlaj ...
Žara vino ne zbudi več,
mlahavo ob šanku ždi,
spominja se na tiste dni,
1. maj za vedno je preč!
It was a long, long time ago
When everything was stately
And then there was 1st May!
Then he found her
Handsome as he the factory machinery
He took her away
There – on the grass, under the stars
There – where they sowed the seeds
The moon could only sigh:
Such sweet happiness
Is rare in this world
Thought the moon.
A young lassie was born
Apart the two were torn
Daughter? Of course left to her
It is ok or so it seems
Nowhere is better – there is no worry
Life is just a bad joke
Everything ends – even 1st May
The sun disappears, the youth, the moon ...
The charm in no longer revived with cider
Pitifully sitting at the bar
Remembering those days
1st May is gone for good.
Nikomur zlega ne želim,
a od nekdaj je taka ta stvar:
naj mrtev koj tu obležim,
če laž in blagor nista par.
Natolcevanja in prevare,
kaj vse človek ne izda
dokler ga življenje tare,
a kdor laže – vse ima.
Komerc'jalisti in juristi,
pa bigamisti, žurnalisti,
še egoisti, altruisti,
karieristi in kronisti –
lažejo vsi brez izjeme,
vsi imajo abonma,
zmeraj obrodi to seme,
ko kdo laže – vse ima.
Pamž, da druge izigraš že že,
a ta kdor sebe naplahta,
to je as najvišje vrste!
Saj kdor laže – vse ima.
I do not wish bad on anyone
But it has been like this for ever:
Let me drop dead now and here
If lies and welfare are not a pair
Slanders ands deceits
What a man does not betray
While life brings him down
But he who lies – has everything
Vendors and jurors
Bigamists and journalists
Egoists and altruists
Careerists and chroniclers
They all lie without a doubt
They all have a season ticket
This seed is always fruitful
He who lies – has everything
Kiddo, it is easy to trick others
But who tricks himself
Is truly a master of deceit
For who lies – has everything
Denar nam sreče ne prinese,
verjetno to ve čisto vsak bedak,
živeti dosti lažje znese,
če si nesrečen pa še vdilj bogat.
Rad krog sebe delaš silen hrup,
svoj častiš sadizem in obup,
brusiš ju v igranju z ljudmi –
blagor nájbolj nam ljudi skazi.
Naj za človečnost še tako trpi,
rad na banketih lačnim gre v pomoč,
kjer več požre kot revni v letu dni.
V humanosti je taka čarna moč:
vešče stroške, goljufije skrije
in še zraven žanje simpatije.
Povem naglas – naj vas ujezi:
blagor nájbolj nam ljudi skazi.
Pamž in mamini vi sinčki vsi,
kakšen nauk iz tegá sledi?
Psst! Kaj ne uganete sami?
Blagor nájbolj nam ljudi skazi.
Money happiness does not bring
This is known to every jerk
It is much easier to live
If you are unhappy and rich.
You like to make a lot of noise
You worship your sadism and despair
You sharpen it in the games you play
Welfare rots the people.
Even if he suffers for humanity
He likes to help the hungry at banquets
Where he eats more than the poor in a year
For in humanity lays the power
It raises costs, hides the scams
While managing to raise some sympathy
I will sys this aloud – I hope you don't mind:
Welfare rots the people.
Kiddo and all of you spoiled brats
What can be learnt from all this?
Hush! Can't you guess?
Welfare rots the people.
Macala bumba,
macala bumba
macala bumba še zame!
Ena je zame,
ena je zate
ena pa zanj, ki ga ne sme!
Spij ga do dna,
spij ga do dna.
spij ga na zdravje nas vseh!
Nihče nič nima,
nihče nič nima,
kajti mi smo vsega freh!
Le kaj prižene volka čisto pred vaš hlev?
Zakaj vam siti maček miške ne bo ujel?
Zakaj pa lačen tiger se puške ne boji?
Ljubezen res je sladka,
a kruh še slajši je,
saj prej kot od ljubezni
od lakote se umre.
Macala bumba ...
Trebuh gospodar je našega sveta,
praznika potreba nikdar ne pozna.
Gluh je trebuh, čast je tuja, glad pa čisto tvoj.
Raje kot obljube,
bi rajši kruh imel:
siti nikdar lačnih
ne bo razumel.
Macala bumba ...
Macala bumba,
Macala bumba
Macala bumba for me!
One for me,
One for you
And one for him (if allowed)!
Bottoms up!
Bottoms up!
Drink it to our health!
Nobody has anything,
Nobody has anything
For we are free from it all!
What drives a wolf to your barn?
Why will a fat cat not catch a mouse?
Why is a hungry tiger not afraid of a gun?
Love is sweet,
But bread is sweeter
For it is easier to die
From hunger than love.
Macala bumba,
The stomach is the king of our world
The need knows of no days off.
The stomach is deaf, honour unknown,
hunger all your own.
Rather than promises
I would have bread
The fat will never
Understand the poor.
Macala bumba ...
Dokler še pojemo lahko
in revščino opazimo,
verjemi, to je le zato,
ker zaenkrat živi smo.
Kaj pravi nuja? Lačni smo!
Kaj pravi nuja? Žejni smo!
Alileluja, živi smo!
Alileluja, živi smo!
Ko ves betežen si in star,
vabi zvita smrt te v goste.
Življenju raje inventar,
kot spati znotraj krste!
Saj vse, kar kdo od nas ima,
tole je življenje bedno,
a prej ko slej prav vsak spozna:
da je to edino vredno!
Kaj pravi nuja? Lačni smo!
Kaj pravi nuja? Žejni smo!
Alileluja, živi smo!
Alileluja, živi smo!
Pamž, kaj rečem naj na koncu,
da ti bo vsaj malo všeč?
O življenju pritepéncu?
Kot zmoreš živi, preden je preč!
Kaj pravi nuja? Lačni smo!
Kaj pravi nuja? Žejni smo!
Alileluja, živi smo!
Alileluja, živi smo!
While we can still eat
and notice poverty
believe me, it's only
because we are still alive.
What does necessity tell us? We are hungry!
What does necessity tell us? We are thirsty!
Alileluia, we are alive!
Alileluia, we are alive!
When your are grumpy and old
cunning death invites you
better to be an inventory number in life
then to sleep within a coffin.
For everything that any of us have
Is this pathetic life
But sooner or later everybody realises
This is the only thing of true value.
What does necessity tell us? We are hungry!
What does necessity tell us? We are thirsty!
Alileluia, we are alive!
Alileluia, we are alive!
Kiddo, what shall I say at the end
That you will like at least a bit?
About life, the old beggar?
Live it as you can, before it is gone.
What does necessity tell us? We are hungry!
What does necessity tell us? We are thirsty!
Alileluia, we are alive!
Alileluia, we are alive!
Vsi obupani živijo,
ker uspeh, to žal drži,
definira mizerijo.
Kak fovšija nas pesti!
Sprejmi vse,
sprejmi vse tako kot ni.
nič ne smeš, a vse zmoreš.
In glej – vse se uredi:
prav vse smeš, a nič ne moreš.
Pamž, veš kaj se zdaj stori?
Sprejmeš vse,
sprejmeš vse tako kot ni.
Everybody lives in desperation,
For success, this holds true,
Defines poverty & misery
Envy makes us blue!
Accept everything,
Accept everything as it isn't.
you're able to do everything, allowed to do nothing
And look – everything is here for you:
You're allowed to do everything, but cannot do anything
Kiddo, you know what you are to do?
Accept everything,
Accept everything as it isn't.
BULVAR BANKROT so pesmi za godalni kvartet in pevcav dveh dejanjih. Zložil in napisal jih je Jani Kovačič. Priredbe je napravil Igor Lunder. Pesmi smo poimenovali za nove popevke optimističnega razočaranja tako v čast, spomin ter kritiko 10-letne zgodovine PIJANO BARA.
BULVAR BANKROT sestavlja preko 20 veselih pesmi o tegobah, razočaranjih in cinizmu začetka XXI. stoletja na večno temo človeških slabosti. Celovečerni program je nastal ob hudi permanentni krizi, ki pesti našo državico, odkar na tem področju žive ljudje. Po demontaži socialne države, sledi še demontaža kulturne države! Za vas v prehodnem obdobju: hladni kabaret in poulične popevke za vsakdanjo rabo so vam odigrali kvartet BAZILIO in Jani Kovačič.
BULVAR BANK (Boulevard Bancrot) are songs for the string quartet and singers in two acts. They were written and composed by Jani Kovačič. The adaptations were made by Igor Lunder. We named the songs as the new hit-tunes of the optimistic disappointment, in honour, memory and criticism of the ten-year history of the PIJANO BAR.
BULVAR BANK (Boulevard Bancrot) consists of over 20 joyful songs about the sorrow, disappointment and cynicism of the beginning of the 21st Century, about the perpetual topic of human weaknesses. The all-evening programme was created in response to a strong permanent crisis in the social state, For you in the transitional period: cold cabaret and street tunes for everyday use were performed by the BAZILIO quartet and Jani Kovačič.
BULVAR BANKROT (Boulevard de la Faillite) est un spectacle en deux actes pour quatuor ? cordes et chanteur. Toutes les chansons ont été écrites et composées par Jani Kovačič et arrangées par Igor Lunder. Nous avons appelé ces chansons les nouvelles chansons de la déception optimiste en hommage (mais aussi en regrets) aux dix ans d'existence de PIJANO BAR.
BULVAR BANKROT est composé de 20 chansons gaies parlant des vices humains, des tracas quotidiens, de la déception et du cynisme du début du XXIe siè. Notre programme faisait également écho ? la crise permanente qui est présente dans notre petit pays depuis que des gens y vivent. Apr?s l'éclipse du pays social, arrive l'éclipse du pays culturel. Pour vous, qui vous trouvez dans cette époque de transition, le quatuor BAZILIO et Jani Kovačič ont joué des chansons du cabaret et des airs de la rue.
BULVAR BANKROT sestavlja preko 20 veselih sarkastičnih pesmic o tegobah, razočaranjih in cinizmu začetka XXI. stoletja. Slišali bomo od srednjeveških do ljudskih napevov, spomnili se bomo Vivaldija, jazza, celo etna. Pester program s širokim žanrskim razponom. V besedilih pa večna tema: človeške slabosti. Celovečerni program je nastal ob hudi permanentni krizi, ki pesti našo državico, odkar na tem področju žive ljudje. Kaj zdaj? Po demontaži socialne države, sledi še demontaža kulturne države! Za vas v prehodnem obdobju: hladni kabaret in poulične popevke za vsakdanjo rabo.
Nova naivnost, nova agresivnost, nova sebičnost – stari problemi!
Poulične popevke in pogrošne pesmi o vsakdanji mizeriji!
Orimana groteska in hladni kabaré!
Čemu Bulvar Bankrot danes? Dobro. Varajo nas – prav. Goljufajo nas – v redu. Rubijo nas – velja. Izkoriščajo nas – naj bo. Razočarani smo – drži. Razočarani celo nad razočaranjem. Je to mogoče? Razočaranje se zvrača! Razočarani smo nad razočaranjem – optimizem nas prevzema. Od-obupani smo – s tal se da pasti! Poslednje umno oporišče – razum – izgubi cinično zatočišče: sam sebe samega. Brezdomec se zave svojih prednosti: čim slabše, tem boljše. Svoboden pred seboj – sprejmi vse tako kot ni. S tem vedno premagaš prepričevalca. Je laž o laži že resnica?
Program Bulvar Bankrot so za vas pripravili IGOR LUNDER in Vokalno-godalni kvintet, ki ga sestavljajo godalni kvartet BAZILIO in JANI KOVAČIČ
Godalni kvartet BAZILIO je nastal ob 200 letnici Mozarta 1991. Takrat so se šolani akdemski godalci, ki so bili člani orkestra SNG Opere, zbrali sebi v veselje in nam v radost. Prvi program je bil namenjen Mozartu in ravno ta skladatelj tvori tudi okostje njihovega programa. Ravno želja – početi nekaj drugačnega, a žlahtnega – jih je pripeljala do sodelovanja v projektu Bulvar Bankrot. Kvartet BAZILIO so:
Plamenka Dražil – violina
Tomaž Pinter – viola
Zdenka Žagar-Lesjak – violončelo
Rudi Lesjak – kontrabas
Kvartet potrebuje dobre in lucidne aranžamaje in Igor Lunder, ki je končal študij na Srednji glasbeni in baletni šoli v Ljubljani, smer jazz in ga nadaljeval na Univerzi za glasbo in upodabljajočo umetnost v Grazu in napravil magisterij iz dveh smeri: Jazz-kitara ter Jazz-teorija, kompozicija in aranžiranje na Sibelius Akademiji v Helsinkih, je ravno pravšnji za ta posel. Drugače Igor Lunder nastopa in sodeluje z različnimi jazzovskimi glasbeniki in zasedbami (trio, sekstet). Izdal je že plošči: Igor Lunder with Reeds – Jazz menu (2003), Igor Lunder Sextet (2004). Piše tudi za Big Band in je že sodeloval z Big Bandom RTV Slovenija, Franz Schober BB (Leibnitz), Sigi Feigl BB (Leibnitz), KUG BB Graz, Fool cool BB, BB Krško. Svež in moderen glasbenik Igor Lunder nam je priravil priredbe za godalni kvartet.
JANI KOVAČIČ si je za konec 10-letnega delovanja Pijano bara zamislil tale hommage vsem predstavljenim od Villona, Brechta, Ježka, Prešerna, Burnsa, Waitsa ... do Janija Kovačiča. Hkrati je to hommage človeškim slabostim od lakomnosti do sebičnosti in pokurjeni utopiji neodvisne Slovenije. Preko dvajset novih pesmi optimističnega razočaranja v polovični deklaraciji (kajti vse je le na pol). Prvi hladni kabare pri nas!
O besedilih in glasbi Besedila so večinoma pisana po zgledu balad z naukom. Pravtako jih je nekaj napisanih po zgledih: Glosa – Prešeren, Popevka o bodočih dneh – Villon, Rabljeva dilema – Shakespear ... Glasba je stilno in žanrsko pestra od rezjanske ljudske do jazza. Pesmi so naslovljene kot Popevke, kajti lahkotnost s katero se lotevamo težav in pomanjkanje zagretosti za razrešitev, napravita ta naslov za najprimernejši.
Nekaj o nastopih
Premera je bila 8. in 9. maja 2003 v KUD-u Franceta Prešerna v Ljubljani. Nastopili smo še v Škofji Loki, Mariboru in Novi Gorici. Program smo posneli za RTV Slovenijo in je bil že nekejkrat predvajan. Imeli smo dober ducat nastopov, kar je za naš program in razmere dokaj ugodno.
Nekaj o posnetkih
Posneli smo koncert 15. maja 2003 v KUD-u France Prešeren za RTV Slovenijo (snemal Januš Luznar). Posneli smo tudi vse pesmi v dvorani Glasbene šole Šiška. Posnetki z nastopa so se mi zdeli zanimivejši, kajti občutek komornega nastopa je pretehtal. Izrezali smo vse komentarje in ploskanje, ker mi je tako boljše. Posnetke je prirezal in očistil z novimi programi Neven Smolčič (2004).
Zložil in spesnil / music & text / musik & text: Jani Kovačič, priredil / arranged by / arrangées par Igor Lunder, godalni kvartet / string quartet / quatuor ? cordes BAZILIO (Plamenka Dražil – v., Tomaž Pinter – vl., Zdenka Žagar-Lesjak – vc. & Rudi Lesjak – cb.) in Jani Kovačič – voc.
Pospletil in na http://www.ijs.si/lit/jkovacic_bulvar.html 14. januarja 2007 postavil Miran Hladnik.
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